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Perennials are permanent plantings that multiply to provide more flowers & foliage every year. As skillful designers of perennials, we can provide 4 seasons of color for your enjoyment

. Your perennial garden can be as simple as a white garden or a mix of any colors that thrill you. Imagine a cool color palette in shades of pink or the bold warm colors that are found in a summer perennial garden room. Maybe your preference would be no flowers, choosing instead a drought tolerant border of chartreuse foliage.
4 seasons of colorful perennials mixed with shrubs
4 seasons of colorful perennials mixed with shrubs
Border of chartreuse perennials
Border of chartreuse perennials
Clipped formal border with perennials
Clipped formal border with perennials
Color and Texture
Color and Texture
Cool color palette Texture contrast
Cool color palette Texture contrast
Cottage garden along picket fence
Cottage garden along picket fence
Cottage garden on hill
Cottage garden on hill
Daylily Alley focal point
Daylily Alley focal point
Drought tolerant perennials
Drought tolerant perennials
Front yard perennials for curb appeal
Front yard perennials for curb appeal
Large drift of perennial color
Large drift of perennial color
Lush perennials soften edge of pond with perennials
Lush perennials soften edge of pond with perennials
Perennials & Herbs
Perennials & Herbs
Shades of pink perennials
Shades of pink perennials
Summer perennial garden room
Summer perennial garden room
Warm color palette
Warm color palette